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Self care: an integral component of healthcare today

Community pharmacists should take the time to understand the wider self care agenda and the steps they can take to confidently support good health outcomes for their patients and customers.

In our post-pandemic, workforce-challenged and cash-strapped healthcare system, it would be easy to view self care as a convenient, cheap alternative to more conventional treatments. This would be doing self care and its many proponents and participants a huge disservice. 

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you will: 

  • Understand the concept of self care, which is developing in the wider healthcare agenda
  • Appreciate the importance of modern collaborative working in supporting successful self care outcomes
  • Be aware of ations you can take to positively promote self care as a feasible option for your customers, patients and colleagues. 

Written by Nanette Kerr, an independent consultant specialisng in pharmacy and healthcare sector. 

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